Hi, I’m Dan. I used to work as an offshore oilworker, a job that allowed me to use my skills, knowledge, and education in a truly challenging environment. Coming from a well-off family and holding a college degree, I was always aware of the value of hard work and responsibility. Offshore work is tough, but it also offered me the chance to learn a lot about the industry, while keeping safety at the forefront of everything I did.

Over the past five years, I had faced many of the risks that come with working on oil rigs, but I was always careful and followed strict safety measures. However, one day, while welding a pipe on a high platform, my life changed in an instant. I lost my balance and fell, and in that moment, everything shifted.

I hit the deck hard, and though I was conscious, I felt the weight of the injuries immediately. My colleagues rushed to my aid, and soon after, I was airlifted to a nearby hospital. I had suffered a broken leg, a concussion, and a serious spinal injury.

An oil rig full of high heights and dangers

The weeks that followed were filled with surgeries and physical therapy, and while I’m incredibly grateful to be alive, I soon realized the extent of the challenges I was facing. My injuries left me with a permanent disability, which meant I could no longer return to the physically demanding work I once loved.

While my recovery was difficult, the emotional and financial toll was just as significant. Unable to work for months, I had to rely on my savings to cover medical bills and other expenses. Now, living on disability benefits, I’m learning to adjust to a new reality.

But here’s the thing—I’m not giving up. Yes, the road ahead is uncertain, but I’m determined to overcome the obstacles in my path. I’m exploring new job opportunities, ones that will allow me to support my family without the physical demands of my previous career. My focus is on building a future that not only provides for my loved ones but also brings fulfillment and purpose in new ways.

The accident may have changed my life, but it hasn’t defined my spirit. I’m Dan, and though my journey has taken an unexpected turn, I’m committed to facing these challenges head-on and creating a better future for myself and my family. Through resilience and determination, I know I’ll get there.